COMMUNICATING DOORS, a Hedgerow Blog Index

I just opened my latest production, Alan Ayckbourn's comedy thriller COMMUNICATING DOORS.  It runs through October 5th, do consider adding it to your busy schedule.


Hedgerow's Marketing department asked me to contribute some articles about the directing process to their blog.  Now that the show is open, I wanted to gather them all in one place.  They're written for a general audience, who hopefully appreciates theatre but doesn't necessarily participate in the industry.  It's been a useful exercise to articulate what exactly it is we do.

In chronological order:

~PRE-PRODUCTION, in which I overheat my library card before rehearsals start.

~WEEK ONE, in which we start blocking and build the characters who should live in this world.

~WEEK TWO, in which we finish blocking, add a missing cast member, and add fight choreography.

~WEEK THREE, in which we move from the rehearsal room to the stage, and start putting our scripts away.

~TECH WEEK, in which we add lights/sound/costumes, tighten the show and switch stage managers.

~PREVIEWS and OPENING, in which I say goodbye to a talented group of people, who no longer need me (which was the plan all along).


Thanks for reading.


Posted on September 12, 2014 .